
The /features/ endpoint interacts with features registered in Tesserae’s database.


Requesting GET at /features/ provides a JSON object containing a list of features. How this list of features was created is dependent on the URL query fields used.

By default, a GET at /features/ returns a JSON object containing an empty list.


The following fields may be used in a URL query to filter the response:

Field Name Field Value
language Limits features retrieved to be of the specified language.
feature Limits features retrieved to be of the specified feature type.
token Limits features retrieved to be of the specified representation.

NB: Remember to percent encode field values when necessary.


On success, the response includes a JSON data payload consisting of a JSON object with the key "features", associated with an array of JSON objects. The JSON objects in the array, in turn, contain the following keys:

Key Value
"language" A string indicating what language this feature belongs to.
"feature" A string representing the feature type of this feature.
"token" A string representing this feature.
"index" An integer denoting the order in which the database became aware of this feature, relative to other instances of this feature type for the given language.
"frequencies" A JSON object associating text identifiers with the number of instances this feature occurs in that text.


Search by One Field

Suppose that “lego” is the 45th Latin form and the 67th Latin lemma the database encountered.

curl -i -X GET "https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/features/?token=lego"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "features": [
      "language": "latin",
      "feature": "form",
      "token": "lego",
      "index": 45,
      "frequencies": { ... }
      "language": "latin",
      "feature": "lemmata",
      "token": "lego",
      "index": 67,
      "frequencies": { ... }

Search for Feature Not Present in Database

curl -i -X GET "https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/features/?token=xlwbnd"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "features": []

Retrieve Features of a Feature Type for a Language

curl -i -X GET "https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/features/?feature=lemmata&language=latin"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "features": [
      "language": "latin",
      "feature": "lemmata",
      "language": "latin",
      "feature": "lemmata",